Course curriculum

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    Extra Resources (optional)

    • The Innovation Code

    • The Creative Mindset

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    Week 1

    • WEEK 1 Announcements & Syllabus

    • CPI VIDEO - Practice Prismatic Thinking

    • CPI VIDEO - How to Think About Growth

    • QUIZ: Prismatic Thinking

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    Week 2

    • WEEK 2 Syllabus

    • CPI - Assess to Progress

    • READING: "Innovation as a Learning Process: Embedding Design Thinking"

    • 02: How to Think About Growth (QUIZ)

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    Week 3

    • WEEK 3 Announcements & Syllabus

    • CPI - Creative Thinking

    • CPI - Case Study

    • READING: "Creativity and the Role of the Leader"

    • DUE FRIDAY: Bi-Weekly Discussion

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    Week 4

    • Week 4 Syllabus

    • CPI - Sources of Innovation

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    Week 5

    • WEEK 5 Syllabus

    • CPI - Set High Quality Targets

    • READING: "Moon Shots for Management"

    • WEEK 5 > Reading #2 > Discussion Questions

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    Week 6

    • WEEK 6 Syllabus

    • CPI 5 - Enlist Deep and Diverse Domain Expertise

    • READING: "Deep Smarts"

    • WEEK 6 > Reading #1 > Discussion Questions

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    Week 7

    • WEEK 7 Syllabus

    • CPI - Take Multiple Shots on Goal

    • READING: "Building Breakthrough Businesses Within Established Organizations"

    • WEEK 7 > Reading #2 > Discussion Questions

    • 07: Learn from Experience and Experiments (QUIZ)

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    Week 8

    • WEEK 8 Syllabus

    • CPI - Learning from Experience and Experiments

    • READING: "Strategy as Simple Rules"

    • WEEK 8 > Reading #1 > Discussion Questions

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    Week 9

    • WEEK 9 Syllabus

    • 09: How to Win a Bar Fight (QUIZ)

    • CPI - Gaining Buy-In

    • READING: "The 5 Myths of Innovation"

    • WEEK 9 > Reading #1 > Discussion Questions

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    Week 10

    • WEEK 10 Syllabus

    • CPI - Innovation Processes

    • READING: "Is It Real? Can We Win? Is It Worth Doing? Managing Risk and Reward in an Innovation Portfolio"

    • WEEK 10 > Reading #1 > Discussion Questions

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    Week 11

    • WEEK 11 Syllabus

    • 11: Innovation Processes (QUIZ)

    • CPI - Evaluating and Measuring Innovation

    • READING: "Why Every Project Needs a Brand"

    • WEEK 11 > Reading #1 > Discussion Questions

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    Week 12

    • 12: Evaluating and Measuring Innovation (QUIZ)


    • CPI - Connecting the Dots

    • READING: "The Art of Persuasion Hasn't Changed in 2000 Years"